Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Page 3 social work...the new 'in' thing

ever wondered what has suddenly happened in the entire social sector, what is the new buzz all about, why is everyone suddenly talking about social work as if the world is nearing the end or something......NO...
In case one hasnt let me take you into this world of social development that is nothing as what it looks like and definitely nothing like what the media tells you it is like.
Did i confuse you...or did i hit a cord, nevertheless i shall continue with my scuba diving mission today...
there has been a sudden revival of the urban conscience for the poor of this nation, suddenly airwaves are abuzz with rich wives of major corporate households doing some kind of charity or the other, opening foundations and the like. several of these foundations have come into existence over a very short period of time. nothing wrong with philantrophy per se, but what bothers me is the sudden interest in the welfare of the poor, the very poor who are at the receiving end of those very corporations policies who have now opened a new shop of returning things to society. once you have a talk with the people heading these charities, one immediately realises that it is all about the image of self righteousness that is at the crux of the entire exercise, some sort of a brand building by doling some freebies to the poor, some clothes for the poor, some peanuts thrown here and there that is lapped up by a media that these people control nevertheless. there is no motivation or clarity on what should be done or even realisation of what is the problem in the first place.
social work is today being run by the wives of bureacrats or those of major corporate households. people who have never even felt what poverty is or what is its true face are infact writing books, quoting from schumpeter and the likes to put forward their points or idea which in any case are hijacked from some book or the other. point is these books become best sellers and these people get covered by the media extensively. as i said the media is anyway controlled by these very people, so their works or should i call them fabrications end up getting the attention of the media that offlate resembles a hungry street dog running after every passing car and grabbing anything that comes its way as news....some kind of 4th estate.
the relevance of the 4th estate today doesnt stand questioned, in fact there is nothing to question, no body questions dead bodies that would want to pass of as vigorous entities. a better question would be, does the 4th estate or for that matter any estate exist independently in this nation that is marketed as an ideal democracy in the world arena but has neither an honest media, accountable judiciary, at best a blind executive and a horrible bureacratic machinery. together these work in close confluence with major corporations and serve as extensions of that nebulous hydra headed monster that is so pervasive yet invisible, with all these estates serving as the eyes and ears for the master that they serve.

this enslavement is complete once when the oppressor tries to get into the garb of a protector, and believe me a benevolent beast is a dangerous one as at the end of the day he could very well deny it all saying that it was never his job anyway in the first place and that he was simply trying to play a small role while it should have been the role of the state in the first place. this is at the same time a self serving and a highly misleading statement as well. self serving as it absolves them of any mistake that would and will happen, and misleading because there is nothing like a state or a welfare state anymore. it has been sold, bought and re sold several times over by the very free market forces that these corporations and now their version of benevolent capitalism owes itself their existence.

these half baked attempts at throwing crumbs to a society that has been systematically pillaged by these very corporations and now want to hide amidst the entire garb of sustainable development and Corporate social responsibility. with empty talks of the triple bottom line taking precedence and helping these corporations get hold of effective media,

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